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Jason…You’re a Genius. PPlotz
Jason.... I am
speechless. Thank you so much for your
presentation, and may God bless you, your loved ones and our great Nation.
Well Jason, what can I say? You did a wonderful
job...........thank you. I'm a Canadian, but I was deeply moved by the tragedy
in New York and at the Pentagon. You should know that the world is behind
America, and we'll help you rebuild, and find the bastards that are responsible. -Scot.
I would just like to say ..that is a very moving and
touching site...You did an "A" one job on it...and I would also like
to say ..even though I am a thoughts , hopes, prayers and love go
to you and all Americans... We share in your pain and your loss. -Darla
Its people like you who make America special. Thank you. Dennis McCarthy
Very moving and touching. - Dale
This was very well put together, thank you so much for
your time in doing it. Yes, everybody
does hurt. God bless!! - Julie
JAsonB you did a good thing here. thanks for helping me
to put it into perspective.- Chris
Thank You , from and old tired American , God Bless you,
this is the Best country in the world, and May we never for get. Tim Miller
I sat here and cried.
The feelings that had been pent up for days, crumbled and gave way and I
cried for all that America and its people had lost......... I cried for the
people who lost their lives and their loved ones left behind to
grieve...... I cried for the total
injustice of it all......... I cried for the loss of security and trust that
every decent person in the world must now suffer............. Anon.
I cried for the bravery shown by the rescuers and the
strength that America and its people have shown in the face of such
adversity.............and YES I cried for those that did it...........for they
WILL pay the price.....I cried because those people obviously had no 'soul' or
they would not have been able to do what they did. To America and its
people.........I cry for you. - Carolynne from Australia
I have seen a million different things since this
horrible thing happened, but yours, by far is the absolute best. - anon.
Cant tell you how much this hit my heart... You have done
a great deed - Jim
excellent! bravo! - Peter
I just wanted to thank you for making this video. Wonderful work that I want you to know is
appreciated. God Bless you and our
wonderful Country. - Lisa Thompson Washington D.C
Jason, thanks for making your tribute available. Your effort is worthy.
I'm feeling the need to compose, lucky you!
Where to begin?
I simply cannot stop the tears. Other than losing a beloved family member, I've never experienced
the sensations of loss, of being violated, of
helplessness as bad as I do now. I'm 40.
This includes our loss of the wonderful Princess Diana, the loss of my
fellow Aggie's during bonfire, and
now this. I'm
trying not to hate (because I think that's what I'm supposed to do), but it's
getting very difficult.
I'm an analyzer, so, over these last few days, I've taken
note of as many comments as I can, and I see the usual knee-jerk reactions that
humans are
capable of amidst those that are more rational and
moral. I hope the latter will
So............, this is all about religion, huh? I've always asked myself these questions,
but now more than ever - why is there so much room for
varying interpretations of our creator's
commandments/intentions? Why couldn't
this all have been laid out plainly so that we all could understand
and live accordingly?
Pain, anger, astonishment, etc., they're all with me as I sit and try to
solve the worlds problems. Have I
missed something?
This is all about different interpretations of how we
were created and how we're supposed to live, right? Could another religion's written word
actually condone and call for the irradication of those
that differ? Here's a real stupid
question, but is it possible people of varying religions could
sit down together and learn about each other to the
extent that they'd find that as many as ALL of the current beliefs are a little
off base and that a
convergence might be undertaken towards a single unified
belief? I see something almost every
day in my line of work - it's one's misunderstanding
of another's statements.
You know, where one is posing questions about a topic and the other is
answering while not really having a clue. But he
really does think he knows what the other guy is talking
about. I can spot this in a heartbeat
and, when I do, I speak up and get them on the same page.
That's easy. Its
when countries are involved that make it seem impossible, hopeless.
So many people practice their faith today because that's
the way Mom and Dad brought them up.
Questions get answered the way the "teachers" understand them. But what if.......those same teachers could
be made to believe their understandings might be a little off center. Nothing to be ashamed about, we've all done
our best to try and understand. Of
course, this means accepting the fact we may have to change our own
practices. Not easy.
Otherwise, only those with the strongest army will prevail. I guess what I'm saying is I really hope
there is one answer, one creator, one common denominator for us all, yet, I
know so little. Thanks for this space,
Jason. God bless. - Phil
I don't know how to express my thanks to you for putting
together this production that you have online, I do not know the words to truly
express my feelings while watching this, the feelings at the time and that it
has left with me. Thank you just doesn't seem to be enough.- Frank Laczko
I just wanted to thank you for the site you've posted
regarding the tragedy. It's making its
way around the eBay crowd as I write. I
just wanted to share this link with you of pictures we've collected depicting
American Pride.^4@.eeeebe5
Lisa - Waco, TX
Wow! All I can
say is WOW! Mike from Ohio
I was so impressed by your site~ Thank you for sharing the pictures you have.
Your choice of music could not have been better, and I'm sure REM would be
pleased that you chose their song.
- Lynne from Woodstock, NY
It made me cry...
but thanks. It is a work of art. - Leon Franklin
Thank you for that very moving presentation. - Bob
Thank you Jason for this heart wrenching movie. I hope millions get to
see it also.
- Kathy
words cannot describe.... How touching....I will be forwarding this to any and everyone I
know... Lynn from Grass Valley, California
That is absolutely fantastic and you captured the essence
of our tragedy
so wonderfully.....Thank you...Elise
You did a wonderful job. It really touched my heart.
Mountainbikers around the globe are paralyzed in the
reality of it all. We all need to slow
down, open our eyes, count our blessings and teach love, tolerance and respect.
- chip
I thought it was a great tribute to those lost in this
tragedy and it was a great video. Danny
Very, very nice. Thank you so much. Randall from
Hartford WI
That is one of the most powerful tributes I have seen...I
hope it gets noticed by more then just the Camaro Z28 Crowd, All of America would be proud of your
efforts - April
I just have to tell you how I was moved by your depiction
of that HORRIBLE day in US history.... very
very moving!! - anon.
(your movie) put a lump in my throat and tears to my eyes
instantly. Bob from Clinton MS
In the past few days I have seen may pictures via email
and slide shows. All of which are
touching and deeply moving. Yours
however has managed to caputer and even deeper emotion inside and I wish you
the best in life and hope that this movie helps heal all who see. Lela
It has brought tears to my eyes everytime I watch it. It
truly has brought all of us together and makes us think how vulnerable we all
are at the price of freedom. Let's all live each day as if it is are last. As
you have shown we may not be here tomorrow.- anon.
Very powerful!!! Let's just hope no one in the nation is
able to forget before we wipe out terrorism!!! Shawn and Michelle
I as well as many really like your tribute page and we
are all in awe.. at least 800 I know of on ICQ has seen your page.. Chris
I was very touched by this. I've now sent it on to all my
friends in the UK, Holland, Japan and Germany - Eunice
I have been watching the events unfold on the news ect
but have not been more moved until watching this movie - Brad
Mankovskiy, Master Agent
Stunning! Well
done from Canada. With our thoughts and prayers are with our neighbors to the
south.- Scott in Victoria
i just wanted to say that people like u make a difference. thanks! for that wonderful movie. joe, canada.
You are very gifted!
What a wonderful tribute! - MJY
This moved me beyond words...It captures so powerfully
what's in my heart right now. GOD BLESS
AMERICA - skooshy
I just want to thank you for making that very powerful
presentation of the disaster of the terrorism in America. Jon
...Very moving and touching... - Dale Jelinski
...thanx... ...made me cry... ...made me feel for them...
I have just been sent a URL over ICQ of your American
tribute. I have to say that it made me very proud of america and americans
despite the fact that I am English. It will touch the hearts of thousands. -
P Jackson - England
If an award were to be given for a site that depicted the
events of the day... it certainly should be given to you. I would just like to say thanks for sharing
this page with the world. It truly epitomized the horror each and everyone of
us has faced that day. Thank you
again...God Bless America.... Let freedom ring! - Kathy Simon
Ook al is het een dramatisch onderwerp, maar ja t'is dan
ook werkelikheid hé. ciao, - Ackerman Christine
It was recieved in an ICQ URL, and I passed it on to all
my ICQ friends and all my email friends too.
I want to say, you did a wonderful job.
You took great care in putting it together, and it is touching alot of
people out there. - =^..^=puddytat
I was very moved by you sight. It is a fantastic sight... ...My son sent me this sight and I
will also sent it to people that I love... - Mednlanyap
Great tribute, I am imprest Keep up the good work greetz
from Europe Belgium. - g0nz0 and family
Best tribute I've seen yet - Bruce Augustine
I am from New York and that is the most touching piece I
have ever seen - Dave
Thank you for your superb presentation of tragedy and
hope, I believe you have captured the undefeated American spirit rising like
the Phoenix of Legend, from the ashes of destruction. - LTC John Tobin US
Army Special Forces
A friend sent me your URL and I have just come from there
and I must say WOW!!! You have done an outstanding job. It was so touching that
I cried once again. I couldn't believe some of the pictures which I have not
seen on TV. In this horrible time which none of us can get past, it is nice to
someone who put so much work into a tribute that does justice to those innocent
victoms. - Cathy
You are a good human.
May your time in this world remain forthright, and artistic. - Sean
Man, that was a very good job you did on that flash. Took
a while to download on my slow connection, but well worth it. - Mike
Just wanted to say thank you for the beautiful flash you
did. It was amazing. - sue
Your images and music are wonderfully expressive and put
together. - Rosemary
This is absolutely awesome and I, of course, shed even
more tears as I was watching the movie. - Chuck Davis
THank you, so much for the flash site you have
created. I am a soldier, in the United
States Army, and will defend the freedoms which I grew up with, so that my
children shall have them - Kenneth
Brian Hancock SGT, USA
Thank you for using your talent to pay tribute to so
many. It is efforts like this which
help people to come to grips with an act which is so totally unimaginable.
- Bill Dooley
What a job that was beautiful Thank you so much for
sharing it with the world. - Pam Schafer
Profound. - Karen Walkup
Hi Jason. I'm a UK citizen and viewed your flash on the
intenet. Just HAD to say that it sums up my feeling exactly... a brilliant
piece of work. - Alan Clayton
I just want to say your Flash-presentation was
amazing. It touched me in the middle of
my heart ! - Jacques VANDENSAVEL
I was just incredibly moved by your tribute. - Melanie
That is a heart moving tribute you've made & is by
far the best tribute I have seen or read.
If even one person can look at that without it bringing tears to their
eyes I would be in even more shock than I am already. - Tami Stump
This was so moving.
It was done beautifully and the music fit perfect. God Bless America - Karen
WOW....a very poerful staement that has reduced me to
tears yet again.......thank you for a portrait of America and this holocaust
that has been forced upon our nation. - Debra Rowlands
Your collection of photos is awesome. You did a wonderful job on such a tribute to
the US. I hope it stays on the site
for a long time because I just keep going back to it over and over again. Thanks for sharing. - Allison Pape
what a wonderful, touching tribute. Thank you. - chaz a.k.a. Miss Charlie
Charlynn Helms
i just wanted to say thank you for making that tribute, it
was really touching, its people like you who help this country come together.
I lived one year in US and seeing these pictures I could
not avoid crying. You did it great!!!!! - Ing. Bosák
America God
Bless You Al And ILove The USA -
greeting,s Rob from Holland
That was amazing...thank you! I reminds me of what &
who we need to fight for. Anon.
Thank you for your moving tribute to this great tragedy.
- Debra Orecchio
I thank you for that flash movie. It is the most powerful
and moving thing I have scene. Every
time I watch it, it brings tears to my eyes. - Theresa White Knight
I was in the Pentagon when the plane hit and I wanted you
to know that I appreciate what you have done. Thank you, Eric
This is an excellent production... ...Thanks again for
all of your effort. - Ron Athon Fireman San Diego
Thank you for that moving tribute. I cried through the
whole thing. - Meredith Beard
That was beautiful and for the first time I have let my
self cry and just let go...Thank you for such a nice web site - Pam
That is the best Tribute I have seen yet. Thank you very much, I will be sure to save
it forever, as it brought tears to my eyes. - CoKe
Boh zehnaj Amerike !
- Peter Jursa - Slovakia
I just wanted to say you have touched our hearts in a
special way..please feel free to use our forum
for anything you need ..we will help you any way we can..I for one am
still crying yet so damn proud.!! - Tony and Deb
Your memorial was just.....incredible. What can I say?
Just.....thanks. - Annie
That was a beautiful tribute. Sad but beautiful.
This is awesome!! Great job... I've watched this four or
five times, and I get choked up each time. - Mike Fuhriman
You did a wonderful job on usa2. The world needs to view
this. - the O'Reillys.
Your tribute was sent to me by my mom, it is beautiful.
Thankyou. - Mari
I don't know who you are nor where you live, but, please
allow me to say THANKS [and feel like this is one of those times that that lil
word seems "inadequate" to express my appreciation]... you have put
together an AWESOME presentation..- Linda
I have to say I was so moved and so emotional viewing
this... so profound..thank you. - Lisa
Thank you, what a wonderful job you did....having
trouble typing for tears....- John
& Kathy Kennedy
Jason that was very well done. Crying still as i write
this. Thank you for posting this i hope more people have a chance to view this.
- Jim
leef volledig mee met jullie.meer kan ik niet zeggen.
- kurt moyaert
Thank you for taking the time to make this. It is the
most touching thing I have seen yet. I know you must have 1000s of emails on
this but I had to let you know how great it is the saport and the feel that
this has. Thank you - Chris Dowers
Just wanted to say that was an extremely moving tribute
you put together. Nice work - I had to tell my friends that it was a different
Jason B that did this tribute. - Jason B.
That was the saddest movie i think i ever watched!! It was very kind of you to make this and
send it to all the people!!
Your tribute is extremely moving. The pictures and choice of music evoke the
horror, disbelief, and pain I have felt this week watching this assault on our
brothers and sisters - Sherra Petersen
You have put together the BEST tribute that could've ever
been made. You deserve an award of some kind. Thank you......... - Nancy
l know you dont know me, but one of my icq friends from
NY sent this to me....You did a wonderful job on should be very
proud of yourself.... - Diane
I found the link to your web page posted on one of the
ebay forum boards. Although my heart
is so heavy and I hurt so bad for what has happened to us, I thought I had my
tears under control.... until I saw
your web page. ...May I commend you on
a beautiful and heart wrenching presentation.
I wish more people would view this page, lest we ever forget September
11, 2001. - Carol L. Junker
This is just beautiful.
Not beautiful, obviously, for what it shows us, but for what it
represents. Thank you for making it. - Karen Tulloh
This is a wonderful website. You caught the anguish and pain of all people. God Bless America.
- Linda
Such an excellent job on your tribute.. It makes you sad
and proud at the same time. I think you should send a copy to the major
networks and to REM also. I really believe they would be honored for you to
have used their music in such a way. Hell, they owe you for doing that!!! -
Barry Lockhause
that was a very sweet thing you made me cry!
because i had an uncle who was in the first twin tower when it fell. We still
don't know if he is dead or not. -
You did an excellent job on that .It really makes the
reality hit ya upside the head. Thank you -anon.
We are with Amerika.God bless Amerika. Family Dedecek Czech
You moved me deeply with your pictoral dedication to
those lost in this tragedy. Thank you
for reminding us of the pledge, too.
- Mary
Thank you for the wonderful montage that you did with the
pictures. I know that everyone I have
passed this on to has said it was very moving.
You did a terrific job and I am sure that all those who view it feel the
same. Thank you for the touching, vivid tribute to all those touched by this
horrific event. - Jessica C.
What a wonderful and creative way to pay tribute to all
the people that have personally suffered this tragedy...and for the nation that
suffers with them!! Thank you so much
for sharing this with everyone!! -